Maya Hottarek

Liste Year

Year of Birth

Country of Birth

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A Romy Gallery Maja Hottarek Web 24

Maya Hottarek lives and works in Biel/Bienne Switzerland. Hottarek's work interacts with various media and usually revolves around a certain topic. A fundamental interest of hers is to articulate the complex interactions or synergies between the individual, society and the economy, to explore network systems. Hottarek relates all of these themes to our basic needs, including Nature, for exemple, which she considers the most fundamental need. Inspired by everyday life, Hottarek attempts through various methods to filter the simplicity of existence, and questions the notion of perception. Hottarek previous exhibitions include, A.ROMY, Zürich, CH (2021); Krone/Couronne, Biel, CH (2021); Kunsthalle, Basel, CH (2020); Public art Biennale, Morcote, CH (2020); Burial of the white man, with Exile gallery, Vienna, AUT (2020); Sattelkammer, Bern, CH (2019); Sonnenstube, Lugano, CH (2019 and 2021); Ballostar Mobile, Bern, CH (2019); Testdrive, Nicosia, Cyprus (2018); Documenta 14, Kassel, GER (2017); Kunsthalle, Bern, CH (2017); Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH (2017).

The Petri dish dream

Connected but never welded, growing together

What should be disgusting is familiar

Sweet diminutive individual,

Praised, needed & malleable explosive

Is it The Touch of My Hand or the rotisserie itself portraying heavy hairy gates

To kinda ~ Hell ~

Random and important,

Sexy and not so frightening,

...in a planetary common field

Depends on your lense

Plugging an organ here and there

In a dangerous, thorny and shapeable soil

Inside you, around you, fucking you,


Lie down on the floor and connect with other people. Touch each other with your feet, hands or other parts of your body.

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